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Your Team


WinCity Financial Services built its reputation on client satisfaction and client success. We understand our roles place us in a tremendous position of trust and we don’t take that for granted. You work hard for your money, it’s important to get the best value from your capital and savings. We have a simple goal, make sure our customers are completely satisfied. Our hope and desire is to provide world class service and expertise to anyone who seeks to achieve what they deserve.

"Our hope and desire is to provide world class service and expertise to anyone who seeks to achieve what they deserve."

Preservation of capital is what’s most important to us. We want to provide an opportunity to earn a fair return that is equal to your risk profile. Ensuring capital is properly invested is personal and everyone is different. We will be sure to understand your personal risk profile and match you with the right opportunity.

Contact us today to get started ➥

Craig Hossack, CFP® Photo
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Craig Hossack, CFP®

Financial Planner

Craig Hossack, CFP®

Financial Planner - Manulife Wealth Inc.
Life Insurance Advisor - WinCity Financial Services



Jeremy Gilman Photo
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Jeremy Gilman

Life Insurance Advisor

Jeremy Gilman

Life Insurance Advisor - WinCity Financial Services
Executive Assistant - Manulife Wealth Inc.

